Displaying items by tag: campus engagement

Eligible employees in Workgroup A will complete self-evaluations in the UAB Perform App and faculty evaluations will be uploaded into the app. Managers must have conversations with employees and complete evaluations by Sept. 30.
Published in Benefits & Policies
Meet the 2023-2024 class of UAB’s flagship leadership academy for high-potential faculty and staff.
Published in Learning & Development
Meet the 2024 cohort of the DEAL Program, which exposes promising staff members to the essential components of administrative and management positions across UAB.
Published in Learning & Development

Following a deliberate and inclusive process, UAB has launched its new strategic plan — Forging Ahead. President Ray Watts thanks everyone who contributed to the process that began in early 2022.

Published in Campus News

The new draft strategic plan will be shared Oct. 25 to solicit feedback from the campus community before it is finalized and presented to the UA System Board of Trustees.

Published in Campus News

Eligible employees in workgroup A will complete self-evaluations in the Performance App. Managers must have conversations with employees and complete evaluations by Sept. 30. Check your workgroup here and visit the Performance Management site for tools, FAQs and training.

Published in Benefits & Policies
Meet the 2022-2023 class of UAB’s flagship leadership academy for high-potential faculty and staff.
Published in Learning & Development

President Ray Watts will deliver the opening remarks for presentation.

Published in Campus News

Share your thoughts on work and life at UAB and identify strengths and opportunities for improvement in an anonymous, online survey Feb.6-20.

Published in Campus News
The 13th cohort selected for Blaze Leadership Academy includes 25 faculty and staff from all UAB schools and the College of Arts and Sciences, as well as eight VP units and UAB Hospital.
Published in Learning & Development
Discover how the latest class in UAB’s flagship leadership development program for high-potential faculty and staff responded to the pandemic; nominations for fall 2021 class are open now.
Published in Learning & Development

Employee engagement is an ongoing priority, and UAB leadership will continue to explore new ways to seek input and feedback as campus life and operations return to pre-COVID levels.

Published in Campus News
Staff in all campus schools and units in workgroup A will continue to use UAB's standard process and timeframe for annual performance evaluations. The performance management app opens for use July 1 and must be completed by Sept. 30.
Published in Benefits & Policies

Lisa Harvey, Timothy Key, Malcolm Marler, Kerry McAlpine, Akia McCurdy and Justin Roth are the first six honorees of the UAB Shared Values in Action Program launched this year to honor employees whose work best exemplifies institutional values.

Published in Awards & Honors

Career Wise sessions starting April 7 can help clarify professional objectives and identify co-mentoring groups.

Published in Learning & Development

This year, the new President’s Award for Excellence in Shared Values honors Blazers who demonstrated one or more of UAB’s shared values in the course of their work during the extraordinary times presented by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Published in Awards & Honors
Check out these networking tips, portable skills, career mapping advice and more words of wisdom UAB staff shared in February’s “Taking Charge of Your Career” forum.
Published in Learning & Development
Meet the latest class in UAB’s flagship leadership development program for high-potential faculty and staff; nominations for fall 2021 will open this summer.
Published in Learning & Development

UAB’s Employee of the Month program has been revamped to recognize staff who demonstrate at least one of the university’s shared values. Submit a nomination for the first quarter of 2021 by March 31.

Published in Awards & Honors

Managers and employees across UAB are encouraged to have quarterly performance check-ins this year. Find out what to cover and how to access tools and resources to help.

Published in Benefits & Policies

Build your brand, influence, resilience and more with new and returning series from Learning and Development, including Coaching Circles and a five-part training for new managers.

Published in Learning & Development

Senior leaders responded to queries on vaccine distribution, the spring semester, UAB’s commitment to diversity and more.

Published in Take Note

Powerful discussions and vulnerability in this pandemic-inspired series keep UAB leaders connected and inspired.

Published in Learning & Development

UAB’s flagship training program for high-potential faculty and staff is accepting nominations for its 2021 cohort through the end of November. Three alumni share what mentoring has meant for them.

Published in Learning & Development

Tina Simpson, M.D., director of Faculty Development in the Department of Pediatrics, explains the training and other resources available from her office.

Published in Learning & Development
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