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The criteria for remaining in good standing in EMSAP are to be met by all EMSAP students in order to maintain their acceptance into the UAB School of Medicine, Dentistry, or Optometry.

The following requirements and conditions are for the EMSAP Entering Class of 2021 and beyond:

  1. Maintain an overall 3.60 GPA and a 3.50 GPA in math and science courses. If an EMSAP student’s GPA drops below 3.60 overall or 3.50 in Math/Science, the student will be placed on probation and have one year to raise their GPA to minimums. A student can only be on probation once. Only courses in Neurosciences with an “NBL” listing will count in the Math/Science GPA, following AAMC policy.
  2. Take a Freshmen Learning Experience course with Professor Pence the first fall semester at UAB.
  3. Successfully complete required undergraduate course work for admission to the Heersink School of Medicine.
  4. Complete at least two EMSAP seminars before entering SOM, one in Bioethics and one in Narrative Medicine and Writing.
  5. Graduate with an undergraduate degree from UAB prior to entering SOM.
  6. Live in a UAB residence hall the first two semesters of EMSAP.
  7. Maintain an active cell phone number so that the student can be quickly contacted and notified of events, campus opportunities and program announcements for EMSAP students.
  8. Attend EMSAP meetings.
  9. Stay in contact with the EMSAP Director and meet with him or his representative each semester regarding the student’s campus activities, medically-related experiences and volunteer experiences for the past semester.
  10. Develop a profile of medical and volunteer experiences consistent with that of premedical students accepted to SOM. This includes:
    • Shadow physicians to learn about the patient-physician relationship and gain familiarity with the modern medical system in both outpatient and hospital settings.
    • Volunteer in service organizations benefiting other people, especially those serving under-served populations.
  11. Maintain high standards of moral character. EMSAP students are expected not to lie, steal, cheat, plagiarize, commit fraud or commit felonies. Violations of these standards will subject a student to dismissal from the program, and will be determined by the sole judgment of a committee consisting of the EMSAP Director, the Director of Enrollment Management and the Dean for Admissions of the SOM.
  12. Demonstrate personal and emotional maturity and have life experiences consistent with that of premedical students accepted to SOM.
  13. Participate in individual EMSAP Reviews with the EMSAP Advisory Committee as scheduled by the Advisory Committee.
  14. Must take the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT) prior to matriculating to the SOM and earn a score of 506 on the MCAT exam. The September MCAT exam dates prior to entering medical school are the last MCAT exam dates considered for admission to medical school.
  15. Must have four years of undergraduate experience prior to matriculating to UAB Heersink School of Medicine.
    • EMSAP students wishing to matriculate prior to completing four years of undergraduate experience must apply through the Regular Admissions process and will be subject to requirements for Regular Admissions.
      • If not accepted in the Regular Admissions process, the student will remain eligible for matriculation through EMSAP and be subject to the EMSAP requirements for remaining in good standing in EMSAP.
  16. Complete and submit the American Medical College Application Service (AMCAS) application no later than August 1st of the application year and subsequently complete and submit a SOM secondary application no later than August 15th.

In general, admission to EMSAP should not be viewed as an entitlement to SOM admission but as an opportunity to demonstrate superior academic abilities and exceptional non-academic attributes. EMSAP, EDSAP, and EOSAP students should have accomplishments in these areas exceeding or at least comparable to what is expected of other premedical students who seek admission to medical, dental, or optometry school. EMSAP students judged by the School of Medicine Admissions Committee to have notable deficiencies in any of these areas may be dismissed from the EMSAP program.

EMSAP Criteria for students entering EMSAP as of August 2020.

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