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We’ve all heard the notion that “regular exercise is good for you” or “workout for 30 minutes 5 times a week.” So while most of us know that exercise is beneficial for us, why do so many of us neglect physical activity? Maybe it’s because we’re too busy, we don’t enjoy the workouts, or we get frustrated with not seeing immediate results. 

The good news is, incorporating physical activity doesn’t have to take long, and maintaining it doesn’t have to be difficult. More than the “weight management” aspect of physical activity, regular activity benefits us in a number of ways, ranging from increased brain health to reducing health risks, to managing chronic health conditions and disabilities. If you pick an activity that you enjoy, you can still receive the benefits of physical activity without the hassle of incorporating and maintaining “prescribed workouts.”

Brain Health

  • Help keep your thinking, learning, and judgment skills sharp september post
  • Help improve your mood 
  • Reduces the risk of depression 
  • Release endorphins

Reducing Health Risk

  • Help you quit smoking/performing addictive unhealthy behaviors
  • Strengthen bone and muscles to prevent further muscle injuries
  • Reduce the risk of falls 
  • Improve sexual health 

Managing Chronic Health Conditions and Disabilities  

  • Reduce pain and quality of life for adults with arthritis
  • Control blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of heart disease and nerve damage for people with Type 2 Diabetes  
  • Reduce risk of heart disease 
  • Reduce risk of stroke
  • Reduce risk of obesity 

How to incorporate it:

There is not necessarily a “correct” way to incorporate physical activity. Sticking to a routine depends on your current time limitations, physical limitations, and location. It’s better to start small and be active in a social way, or to try and incorporate activity while doing things you already do, and build up to an activity level that is comfortable with your goals and current restraints. This could start off as small as taking the stairs whenever you can, listening to an audiobook while walking, or walking to a nearby coffee shop. 

Enlisting in the help of your friends and family can also go a long way. Having a partner can make you more likely to enjoy the exercise. Create a routine with someone you care about to go to a workout class, or catch up while on a walk, or to even just keep you accountable. 

The smallest changes in your routine to make physical activity more fun and normal will help you work towards reaping those benefits of activity, leaving you feeling and actually being healthier and happier. 

URec is here to help with getting you started or keeping you active in a way that’s most comfortable for you! Remember, staying physically active doesn’t just mean lifting weights or 2 hours on the rowing machine. You can stay active by climbing the Golden Route, having fun playing Intramurals, or dancing it off during a Hip Hop class. Come visit the URec to try what works best for you!




More about the author:IMG 3160

Hey everyone! Thank you for taking the time to read this blog post. I am a second-year MD/MPH student at the University of Alabama at Birmingham Heersink School of Medicine and Ryals School of Public Health - I will graduate with both these degrees in Spring 2025! I also went to UAB for undergrad and was a dual degree in Neuroscience and Philosophy along the Ethics track, so am a long-time blazer! :) I am currently an intern for the UAB Recreation Center, and am working on increasing access to physical/wellness activity through social media, blog posts, and community engagement for my “MPH Internship.” I want to practice in the field of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, hence am very passionate about increasing opportunity and accessibility to individuals from different backgrounds to offer equitable health resources for all. I have found an immense appreciation for the benefits of physical activity, and have seen tangible improvement in my mental health, metabolic health, cognition, and overall health - find what activity works best for you and incorporate it into your routine to reap the same benefits! If you have any questions for me specifically, please don’t hesitate to reach out at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..