Explore UAB

What would you like to order?

  • Promo/Apparel Items

    Promotional items can be anything from a T-shirt or pen to any other giveaway, whether or not it includes UAB marks. All UAB departments, registered student organizations (as defined by Student Affairs), club sports teams, and residence hall organizations using the names, marks, logos, and/or symbols of UAB for any merchandise, apparel, and promotional items, whether for fund-raising or publicity, are required to purchase from licensed vendors.

    Step 1: Select an Approved Vendor

    Any product or item that uses a UAB mark must be produced by a licensed vendor. All items must be sourced from the University Purchasing-approved suppliers listed here. Vendors MUST meet both the licensing and University Purchasing approvals.

    View Approved Vendors

    Step 2: Design & Art Production

    An art proof from the vendor or the design file must be submitted to University Relations via the Marketing Approval Form before an order can be placed.

    Step 3: Submit Approval Form

    Complete the Marketing Approval Form in full. You will be required to upload a PDF of your design.

    Marketing Approval Form

    Step 4: Review by University Relations

    The request will be reviewed using the following criteria:

    • Usage of a licensed vendor(s)
    • Usage of approved UAB contract vendor(s)
    • Marks are not altered, obscured, or distorted in any way and are displayed with correct registration designations
    • Context of usage is in accordance with UAB brand and legal Guidelines.

    Step 5: Approval Granted or Denied

    Following the completion of the review, requestors will be notified within three business days whether their requested use has been approved or denied. If the requested use is approved, an email will be sent to the requestor.

  • Tablecloths

    In order to ensure consistency for various units at recruiting and outreach events, UAB has a standardized green tablecloth with a white runner available from Taylor Communications. All new tablecloth orders should follow the format below and include the full university name.

    Illustration of preferred format for tablecloth.
  • Stationery & Business Cards

    To grow UAB's brand awareness and ensure consistency, UAB Printing Services produces all UAB stationery and business cards from approved templates designed by University Relations. Using an outside vendor to re-produce UAB stationery is unauthorized and could result in trademark infringements and/or declined payment from University Purchasing.

  • UAB License Plate

    Find out more information about the UAB license plate by visiting the Alabama Department of Revenue Motor Vehicle Division.

  • Podium Drape

    In order to ensure consistency for various units at events, UAB has a standardized podium drape available from Taylor Communications. All new podium drape orders should follow the format below. One version allows school / college / unit name to be added in text and another version features the core university logo alone.

    podium drapes

  • Name Badge

    Name badges are an important aspect of promoting identity. They are used to identify individuals connected with the university, particularly for business purposes such as recruitment or customer service activities. A standard name badge using the official full UAB logo is available for UAB departments.

    Three templates are available:

    template 1 title page
    Option 1
    template 2 title page
    Option 2
    template 3 title page
    Option 3
    City, State

Feedback/Need Help?

Can't find what you need? Do you have suggestions for items to add to our brand and communications toolkit? Email marketing@uab.edu, and we'll connect you with the right Marketing & Communications team member.

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