Explore UAB

Effective May 3, 2018, any promotional items purchased with UAB funds must be sourced from one of the University Purchasing contracted suppliers listed below. All projects involving UAB marks, artwork, or any logo must be approved by University Relations using the Marketing approval process. This includes items purchased with UAB, agency or foundation funds. Agency and foundation purchased products must be produced by a licensed Learfield vendor. The approval from University Relations is required as documentation for Oracle Purchase Orders, Payment Requests, P-Cards, and Educational Foundation payments.

University Purchasing Contracted Suppliers


Supplier #146635


Website: www.4imprint.com

Payment Method: P-Card

Note: To receive the UAB discount, use code CP10 when ordering online or via phone.

Ad-Wear Texas

Supplier #539855

Contact: Kim Takushi

Payment Method: PO only

Note: T-Shirts only

Boosters Inc

Supplier #491034

Contact: John Wood

Website: www.boosterspromo.com

Payment Method: P-Card

Note: 25% off the invoice total on orders

BSN Sports

Supplier #38371

Contact: Deston Putnam

Payment Method: P-Card and PO

Note: Apparel Only

Club Colors

Supplier #469333

Contact: Pat Azizi

Website: www.clubcolors.com

Payment Method: BuyUAB (P-Card) and PO

LogoBranders Inc

Supplier #414944

Contact: Nickole Martel Gafford

Website: www.logobranders.com

Payment Method: BuyUAB (P-Card)

Scrubin Uniforms

Contact: Michelle West

Website: UAB.scrubin.com
Access Code: UAB205

Payment Method: P-Card


Staples Promotional Products

Supplier #169082

Contact: Shelley Hinton

Promotions Team:

Contact: Barbra Deslauriers

Contact: Nikki Promades

Payment Method: PO only

Taylor Communications

Supplier #1931

Contact: Amy E. Oliver

Website: https://www.promoplace.com/taylorpromo

Account Number: 7177863

Payment Method: BuyUAB (P-Card) and PO

Give-away Items FAQs

Q: Can UAB give gifts (plaques, etc.) to individuals?

A: No. The State Examiners consider these items to be of a personal benefit and are not generally allowable.

Q: What items are NOT considered gifts?

A: Per the IRS, items are not considered gifts if the item costs less than $25.00 AND:

  1. the item has the UAB logo (or grant study name) clearly and permanently imprinted on the item, AND
  2. is one of a number of identical items that are widely distributed. Examples include pens, desk sets, plastic bags, etc. In these cases, the expense is considered marketing in nature and not a gift. Expenses related to design, imprinting, shipping, etc. do NOT factor into the cost of the item.

Q: Where can I find more information related to this policy?

A: Learn more about the policy related to Personal Benefit.

Q: What items can be given as incentives for individuals participating in sponsored research?

A: UAB can compensate research participants via:

  1. A UAB issued check (requires an IRS W9) processed through Oracle as Subject_Fees with object code 8604010.
  2. A UAB Visa Participant Incentive Debit Card.
  3. Cash if there is a petty cash account created specifically for this purpose.

Incentives, unless prior special approval is granted from Accounting based on specific circumstances, cannot be NONCASH. Prior to distributing any incentive, the Incentive Form for Research Subjects should be completed and submitted to Grants and Contracts Accounting.

Research subject incentives are a form of compensation. The department must be reasonably assured that the research subject is not a nonresident alien; or a U.S. Citizen, Permanent Resident, or Resident Alien who will receive compensation valued at $600.00 or more during a calendar year from all independent contractor activities resulting in payment from UAB. If an individual is a nonresident alien or receives $600.00 or more from UAB during a calendar year, UAB will be required to file IRS form 1042-S or 1099, respectively.

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