An integral part of a successful recruitment strategy is to build meaningful connections with students in informal settings. The engagement opportunities below are offered throughout the year and offer you the ability to share about your organization, build rapport with students, and grow a candidate pipeline all while sharing valuable career advice and investing in their success.
Contact Andreia Stechmann at
Collat Employer Chats
Connect with our business students in person by hosting a table in the Commons or virtually by hosting an online information session. Send us a message inquiring about hosting a Collat Employer Chat!
Instagram Takeovers
Give students an insider look at your organization. This opportunity allows you to build brand awareness, showcase your organization's culture, and highlight unique perks, job opportunities, and internships. Involve current employees to share why they enjoy working at your company!
Career Prep Week
Help prepare students for the Business Career Fair that takes place each semester. Please reach out to us if you are interested in discussing topics such as elevator pitches, interview skills, and resume tips with our students.
Employer Tours
Showcase your dynamic office space and discuss job openings with business majors. Let's schedule a convenient group visit for our students to connect with your company.
Slice of Advice
Share career advice with our students. They want to hear from you! What advice do you have for them? Let them know in a one-minute video!
Employer Pitch
Participate in a fun, informal networking night for employers and students. Employers pitch their company in a unique way to the students, followed by a networking hour.
Spring Social
Join us for an opportunity to network in an informal environment with students across all business majors at TopGolf. Employers have the opportunity to sponsor a bay, and students will speed-network between bays throughout the event.
Student Organizations
Connect with business student organizations to reach target groups of students. These organizations often welcome employers to present in their meetings. See all business student organizations opens a new website at UAB and let us know which ones you would like to meet. We are happy to introduce you to the student leader for that organization.
We welcome you to connect, recruit, and hire our talented business students in a variety of recruitment events every semester. Log in to Handshake to register for recruiting events opens a new website.
Business Career Fair
Recruit top talent in the Collat School of Business! Join us each semester for the Business Career Fair and get to know some of our incredible students.
Meet the Employers
Target your recruitment for accounting and finance majors at this niche fair for connecting employers and accounting/finance majors in the UAB Collat School of Business.
On Campus Interviews
Interview our students in one of three interview rooms in the Collat Career Center. We are happy to host you and your team to interview our students. Feel free to request an interview room by emailing Andreia Stechmann at
Freshmen Mock Career Fair
Participate in a Mock Career Fair in the fall for our freshmen. The purpose of the event is to allow freshmen to experience a career fair by interacting with employers, practicing their elevator pitch, and gaining confidence for future career events. Email Andreia Stechmann at
Majors / Concentrations / Certificates
Rest assured that the curriculum taught in Collat School of Business degree and certificate programs undergoes rigorous and continuous review to ensure content is up to date and our graduates are prepared to meet the latest industry demands. Our students can focus their business studies through nine undergraduate degrees, three graduate degrees, and numerous certificates.
Recruitment Resources
We have assembled a selective grouping of resources, articles, and tips to serve as a tool to provide greater insight into some of the major topics and initiatives in the current recruitment environment.
Recruitment Resources
- How to write job descriptions for Gen Zs opens a new website
- How to write a recruiting message (pdf) opens a new website
- NACE: Principles for ethical professional practice opens a new website
- NACE: Key steps for boosting diversity hiring of interns opens a new website
- Diversity, equity, and inclusion: 7 essential early talent recruiting strategies opens a new website
- How to remove bias from the recruiting process opens a new website
- Putting interns first at Handshake— 4 tips for writing inclusive internship job descriptions opens a new website
Thank you for considering our business students for your current recruitment needs.
Handshake is your gateway to post jobs, internships, and register for events. Our urban campus offers a convenient location to meet students individually or in group settings to assist in your successful recruitment.
Create an Account
You will need a user account in order to login and use Handshake.
- Log in to Handshake at Handshake - Employer Registration opens a new website. Google Chrome is the preferred browser.
- Join your existing company on Handshake, or create a new one.
- Create your account using your company email. If your company is already in Handshake, it should pull up based on your email address domain. If it isn't, you should see the option to create a new company profile. Learn more about the new company creation process opens a new website.
- Connect with UAB.
- Request to become a trusted employer partner with UAB.
- You must request and receive approval from UAB before you are able to post jobs and share them with our students.
- If you are waiting for approval for longer than 48 hours, please email
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to check on progress.
- Request to become a trusted employer partner with UAB.
Once approved, you are ready to post your opportunities! For additional information, view Handshake's Create an Employer User Account opens a new website.
Post a Job/Internship
Once you have been approved as a trusted employer partner with UAB, you have the ability to post your full-time, part-time, and internship opportunities.
Post a Job/Internship
Once you create an account and have been approved as a trusted employer partner with UAB, you have the ability to post your full-time, part-time, and internship opportunities.
- Log in to Handshake opens a new website.
- From the Handshake home dashboard, select “Post a Job” or click Jobs on the left toolbar.
- Fill each field with the relevant information.
- Choose either “Apply in Handshake” or select “Apply through External System” if you prefer to redirect the student to your applicant tracking system to complete the application.
- Include a clear job description with detailed information regarding qualifications, must-haves, and responsibilities.
- Fill in qualifying information and click next.
- Select “University of Alabama at Birmingham” to share the position with our students and select start and expiration dates.
- Click Save.
For additional information see Handshake's How to Post a Job opens a new website.
Direct Message Students
Employers that meet the criteria can proactively message students on Handshake. If you are not able to send messages, please review the messaging instructions opens a new website.
Recruiting Events
Check out our recruiting events on the Collat Career Center calendar opens a new website. Learn more about the different types of recruiting events in the Recruit at Collat section.
Contact Us
We welcome the opportunity to meet with you and develop an effective recruitment strategy that aligns your recruitment goals with our students' career objectives. To schedule your recruitment consultation, reach out to Andreia Stechmann, Assistant Director of Employer Engagement, via email at
Assistant Director, Student EngagementTristan Buie205-934-8861CSB 152-BAssistant Director, Employer EngagementAndreia Stechmann205-934-9250CSB 152-DDirector, Collat Career CenterRita Stewart-Hampton205-934-9278CSB 152-F