Human Resources
DOM Human Resources, including Division HR, supports 415 Faculty and 1,200 staff in all HR-related needs. HR is the main liaison to UAB, UAB Medicine, UAB Health System and UA HSF in the delivery of HR functions within the DOM. Recruitment, Onboarding, Promotion, and Tenure, etc. are some functions that fall within Human Resources.
Faculty Promotion & Tenure
Helpful Hints for DOM Junior Faculty
- Maintain Your CV – Keep it up-to-date in the required format. Standard SOM CV Format.
- Create Portfolios – Begin immediately, as soon as you are “on board”, to create and maintain portfolios for teaching, research and service. Document concurrently everything that you do – all activities. The Appointments, Promotions, and Tenure (APT) “package” should be built over several years. See SOM Promotion/Tenure Instructions.
- Critique APT Package – Have your APT “package” critiqued by several faculty members prior to submitting to the DOM APT Committee. Incorporate changes as needed.
- Promotion - Tenure Award Information
Seminars & Resources
The Department of Medicine Faculty Development Program offers annual sessions on promotion and tenure that provide our faculty with additional information on this important academic process.
- Procedures for Faculty Appointments, Reappointments, Promotions & Awards of Tenure
- Tenure Track Guide
- TE to NTE Change Faculty Request
- 2025 Promotions Workshop Slides
- Nuts & Bolts of Putting a Promotion Packet Together
Performance Evaluation
Managers and employees use performance management to monitor and evaluate job performance, define goals, create action plans, and celebrate achievement. People-centered performance management is a sequence of dialogues, coaching, and feedback fostering an atmosphere where employees can perform to the best of their ability, produce high-quality work, and grow their skills.
The university-wide formal evaluation period is July 1-September 30. For more information, visit the UAB Performance Managment site.
International Visiting Forms
International Visiting Scholars Processing
Five Point Letter for IVS Clinical Packet
Important HR Forms
View Forms Here
HSF Electronic Supplemental Pay Request Guide
New Provider - Important Dates
Relocation Allowance Election Form
W-9 Form (Completed with Relocation Form)
UAB Guidelines for Recruitment Candidates During COVID-19
UAB Medicine Appreciation Payment – Workgroup C FAQ's
403(b), Insurance Premiums, Extra Holidays, Benefit Time
MDSO Important Dates for 2020/2021
UAB Office of Postdoctoral Education - Reappointment Approval Form
Great faculty are at the core of every great university. At UAB we are committed to attracting and developing the best. This guide provides instructions and resources to assist with faculty recruitment as well as assisting the search committee. If you missed the Faculty Recruitment Workshop on Friday, February 21, you can review the PowerPoint presentation here.
View the DOM Recruitment Flow Chart
View the Faculty Recruitment Process
Recruitment Guidelines & Processes
Please view the UAB Guidelines for Recruitment Candidates During COVID-19 here.
- Pre Recruitment
Potential Resources for Identifying Diverse Faculty Candidates
Campus Visit Checklist
Concierge Service: The Chalker Group
Concierge Service: The VAL Group
Chalker Group Introduction Email to Candidate
Candidate Email to Division
Itinerary Templates
Seminar Flyer Template
Hotels & UAB Rates/Real Estate/Ground Transportation
Restaurant Suggestions
Materials to Include in your Welcome Package for Candidate
Recommended Interview Questions
Question Types -
Decision Making
1. Identify Successful Candidate
2. Finalize Employment Offer - Discover UAB & DOM