The Early Medical, Dental, and Optometry School Acceptance Programs are undergraduate and professional school educational programs that provide highly qualified students an enriched undergraduate experience in preparation for medical, dental, or optometry school. They provide a path to medical, dental, or optometry school while offering undergraduate students maximum flexibility in exploring the humanities, neurosciences, social sciences, or any other major. The three programs are commonly referred to as EMSAP although they include both dental and optometry school.
EMSAP is not an accelerated BS/MD program; students are expected to spend four years at UAB as an undergraduate and an additional four years in medical, dental, or optometry school. Students can only apply for EMSAP during their senior year of high school.
After successful completion of program requirements and graduation from an undergraduate program at UAB, EMSAP assures highly motivated undergraduates admission to the UAB Heersink School of Medicine, UAB School of Dentistry, or UAB School of Optometry.
EMSAP is Three Programs in One, covering the medical, dental, and optometry schools.
Learn more about the application process for each school.