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Oracle Purchase Orders

Contact: Executive Director of Procurement, (205) 934-4515

The Oracle Purchase Order is an obligation of UAB funds for goods and services.

Purchase Orders are issued after review for adherence to UAB policy and applicable State laws governing the procurement process.

The review and approval process is generally completed within four days of receipt of the request in the University Purchasing department.

Upon approval, the purchase order is assigned in Oracle. Printed purchase orders will include the signature of UAB’s Chief Financial Officer who is one of three individuals vested with signature authority to issue a Purchase Order and obligate UAB funds.

  • To Generate an Oracle Purchase Order

    The Oracle Purchase Order is entered into the system via a Purchase Order Requisition.

  • Approval of an Oracle Purchase Order

    All Oracle Purchase Order Requisitions require at least two approvals at the department/school level before the system will forward to Accounting Services for review/approval. The system routes the Oracle Purchase Order Requisition for appropriate review and approval based on dollar amount, object code and bid requirements. When all reviews and approvals are made, the requisition is complete and a Purchase Order number is generated.

  • The Oracle Purchase Order Number

    The purchase order number is a seven digits number generated by the Oracle system unique to the order.

  • Method of Distribution for an Oracle Purchase Order

    The header of each Purchase Order Requisition requires a selection of how the Purchase Order will be distributed. Listed below are the four methods of distribution the requestor may select from:

    • Print: A hard copy of the Oracle Purchase Order will be mailed by Accounting Services the next business day following final approval.
    • Fax: A fax copy of the Oracle Purchase Order will be submitted by the fax server after 6:00 PM on the day of approval. A fax number must be in the Vendor file for this process. In the event a fax fails, it will be manually faxed to the vendor the day after approval.
    • Phone: An Oracle Purchase Order number will be generated after approval. It is the responsibility of the requestor/department to call the order in to the vendor. A copy of the PO can be retrieved by the vendor by logging on to the iSupplier Portal.
  • Check Enclosed Purchase Order

    This is a minimum two day process after final approval. A Purchase Order Requisition must be generated, and complete with an Oracle Purchase Order number. A hard copy of the Oracle Purchase Order is printed; adjustments and re-approvals are processed by Accounting Services. It is then hand carried to Accounts Payable to process a check.

  • Oracle Purchase Order Payments

    All payments for Oracle Purchase Orders are processed by Accounts Payable.

  • Blanket Purchase Orders

    A Blanket Purchase Order is a purchase order which has been issued to one vendor in which multiple purchases can be made for a specific period of time, typically throughout a fiscal year. When repeated purchases of the same type of commodity item is anticipated, multiple Purchase Order Requisitions may be eliminated by submitting one Purchase Order Requisition to establish a Blanket Purchase Order.

    The Oracle Blanket Purchase Order is an obligation of UAB funds for goods and services. Blanket Purchase Orders are issued after review for adherence to UAB policy and applicable State laws governing the procurement process.

    The review and approval process is generally completed within four days of receipt of the request in the Accounting Services department.

    Upon approval, the Blanket Purchase Order number is assigned in Oracle. Printed Purchase Orders will include the signature of the Director of University Purchasing, who is vested with the sole authority to issue a Purchase Order and obligate UAB funds.

    It is the department's responsibility to monitor all blanket orders to ensure they are not over expended or expired.

  • To Generate an Oracle Blanket Purchase Order

    The Oracle Blanket Purchase Order is entered into the system via a Purchase Order Requisition.

  • Blanket Purchase Order Requirements

    Expiration Date - Found on the PO Header page, the period covered may be for whatever time requested (3-6 months to one year). State accounts coincide with the fiscal year; grants or contracts coincide with the grant period.

    Dollar amount to be entered as follows:

    For a Blanket PO of $1,000.00 UOM = UN 
    Quantity = 100000 
    Price = .01  
    Extended price for this line is $1,000.00

  • Approval of an Oracle Blanket Purchase Order

    All Oracle Purchase Order Requisitions require at least two approvals at the department/school level before the system will forward to Accounting Services. All Purchase Order Requisitions are routed to Accounting Services. The system routes to appropriate review and approval based on dollar amount, object code and bid requirements. When all reviews and approvals are made, the requisition is complete and a Purchase Order number is generated.

  • The Oracle Blanket Purchase Order Number

    The purchase order number is a seven digit number generated by the Oracle system unique to the order.

  • Method of Distribution for an Oracle Blanket Purchase Orders.

    The Header of each Purchase Order Requisition requires a selection of how the Purchase Order will be distributed to the supplier. Listed below are the two methods of distribution the requestor must select for Blanket Purchase Orders:

    • Print: A hard copy of the Oracle Purchase Order will be mailed by Accounting Services the next business day following final approval.
    • Fax: A fax copy of the Oracle Purchase Order will be submitted by the fax server after 6:00 p.m. on the day of final approval. A fax number must be in the Vendor file for this process. In the event a fax fails, it will be manually faxed to the vendor the day after final approval.
  • Oracle Purchase Order Payments

    All payments for Oracle Purchase Orders are processed by Accounts Payable.

  • Purchase Order Exception List

    Certain types of payment request transactions normally do not require a purchase order number prior to the receipt of goods or services. A list of typical examples when the Payment Request process may be used to pay an invoice is provided below.

    UAB will assume no legal liability for commitments to vendors made by individuals without prior approval by UAB Procurement. The Payment Request should not be used to request payment for supplies/services that would normally require a UAB Purchase Order. Transactions not handled according to the established policies and procedures set forth in this manual will not be processed and will be returned to the requestor and the individual making the purchase will be responsible for reconciling with the vendor.

    UAB will reimburse UAB employees for incidental purchases up to $1,500. Incidental items must be purchased from an approved contract provider when available. The intent of this guideline is to provide a purchasing process for items that can't be purchased through the Oracle purchase order system due to an emergent situation. An Oracle Payment Request should be submitted to reimburse individuals for allowable incidental purchases. In the case of an emergency when the purchase may exceed $1,500, contact the Director of Procurement Contracts to obtain pre-approval prior to making the purchase. The Director of University Purchasing will make every effort to assist you in an emergency situation. Requisitions that exceed $1,500.00 without pre-approval from the Director of Procurement Contracts may not be honored and the employee will not be reimbursed. The following goods or services normally do not require pre-approval by the Director of University Purchasing or a Purchase Order Number and can be paid for using a Payment Request.

    • Advertisements: Employment, bid advertisements, etc. to be placed in Journals, Periodical, and Newspapers (note that all advertisements for staff positions must be coordinated through HR)
    • Aircraft: Aircraft parts billed directly to us but covered under the maintenance contract
    • Animal Resources: Animals only
    • Athletics: Emergency purchases made out of town for food, clothing, equipment, car rental, hotel, etc.
    • Banquets & Catering: Functions sponsored by UAB
    • Blood & Blood Products
    • Books: Book orders with itemized attachments for identification
    • Bookstore: Acquisition for resale (Supplies and equipment for departmental operations require purchase orders.)
    • Conferences & Seminars: Meeting room(s) booked at a hotel with audio-visual and/or presentation equipment on behalf of UAB
    • Conference Fees: Fees required for UAB employees to register for conferences
    • Consulting or Independent Contractor Fees: Individuals hired to perform as a contractor or consultant, who charge an approved fee
    • Continental Water System: Deionized water contract
    • Copying/Duplicating: Copying and duplicating services provided off site
    • Creative Photography: Creative Services photography items
    • Credit Reporting: Merchant's Credit or any type of credit reporting
    • Critical Care:
      • Out-of-town ambulance service
      • Aircraft maintenance covered by contract
      • Aircraft fuel and service/billed to UAB credit card
    • Credit Cards: Gasoline purchases for University vehicles
    • Dental: Patient-billed items
    • Dues and Memberships: Annual dues or membership fees for UAB employees
    • Drug Testing: Pre- or post-employment for all departments
    • Elevator Services: Elevator services not currently on contract
    • Emergency Purchases (out of town): Food, clothing, equipment, car rental, hotel, etc. Emergency purchases pre-approved by Purchasing staff on a case-by-case basis
    • Emergency Airfare: Airfare purchased in an emergency only
    • Emergency Repairs: Emergency repairs after hours; time and brief explanation required
    • Facilities Planning Department: Payment of blue print services
    • Freight: Freight charged for purchases that are not f.o.b. destination or overnight delivery charges and express mail
    • Fuel/Gasoline: Fuel for state-owned vehicles (note that fuel should be purchased from an approved State contract provider based on location and volume)
    • Incidental Purchases: Individual reimbursement for emergent incidental purchases not to exceed $1,500
    • Insurance: Insurance payments
    • Lease/Rent of Real Estate
    • Library Acquisitions: Books, periodicals, etc. (supplies and equipment for department operations require purchase orders)
    • Maintenance/Repairs: Routine equipment maintenance and repair
    • Medical Gases (Cylinder and Bulk)
    • Memberships: Annual membership dues in scientific/academic organizations/societies
    • Optometry: Lenses, frames & other patient-billed items
    • Organ Procurement
    • Payment of Shared Copier Services to Health Services Foundation: MIST Dept. to HSF
    • Patient Refunds: Any monies refunded to a patient
    • Payroll Salary & Wages: Temporary or irregular payroll
    • Petty Cash: Petty cash reimbursement
    • Photographic Film and Slide Processing Costs: Photographic film and slide processing
    • Postage: Metered postage
    • Printing, Engraving, etc.: Printing, engraving, etc. for small custom items not requiring competitive bid, such as invitations, announcements, trophies, plaques, or promotional items (pencils, T-shirts, buttons, etc.)
    • Royalties: Any royalties due to a UAB employee
    • Software Licenses: Site licenses or annual license renewals of non-standard/specialized software. Not for use with standard "off the shelf" software.
    • Speech & Hearing Clinic: Hearing aids, molds, hearing aid repairs, and other patient billed items
    • Student Refunds: Any refunds due to a student
    • Subscription, Journals, Periodicals, and Book Renewals: Invoice usually accompanies notice
    • Tax, Title, and License/Fees: Autos, etc.
    • Tickets: Public functions only
    • Utilities: Utility payments

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