Explore UAB

The INSITE Space Management System provides an institution-wide view of managed space at UAB. INSITE serves as a central repository for space inventory, tracking space-related attributes, room ID and numbers, organization assignment, architectural room use, and area. It is also utilized to track Grant information, space occupants and functional usage. Assignment of this information through the space survey is a key component in the calculations of Facilities & Administrative cost recovery. 

Additional uses of INSITE:

  • Maintenance of Building Codes Database
  • Origination and Maintenance of University floor plans library
  • Assignment of official room numbers
  • Prepare and Publish Space-related reports

Space Survey

UAB conducts its annual space survey to compile and maintain the space inventory so that the information may be used by both UAB internal agencies and external agencies. The institution's ability to manage space and report space information is dependent on the accuracy of the information collected in this space survey. 

INSITE Space Survey Manager is the online tool used for the survey. Space surveys are distributed via email.

The 2023 Annual Space Surveys for non-academic units should be completed no later than September 30, 2023.

The 2023 Annual Space Surveys for academic units should be completed no later than November 30, 2023.


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